Physical conditioning issues?

Physical conditioning letting you down? Not enough endurance and stamina to stay in the game?

It seems pretty obvious, the correlation between what you eat and how you prepare yourself for the CM classes.

In a nutshell, you need to:

1. Eat and drink healthily
2. Lead a healthy lifestyle
3. Exercise regularly

Some are not doing that. There's no reason why you shouldn't. If you currently don't workout it will quickly become a bigger problem, not only for your waistline but for your health and the impact that has on people around you.

The classes offered at KDT is one option. Most people need to belong to a community, a tribe and they excel in a community powered environment. They need the support and encouragement of the group energy to spur them on. Others prefer the solitary swimming or jogging route. Nothing wrong with that either.

Whatever drives you, please do something about your health and fitness.

Be an example to yourself as to what you can personally achieve. Aim for your personal best.

The most common problem I see in my CM clients is that they don't breathe.

Here's the solution; breathe!

Specifically, breathe OUT. Concentrate on the EXHALE phase of your breathing. Breathe out when you punch, when you move your feet as you push, as you move your hips when doing Monkey Jits. The inhaling will take care of itself.

Make short, sharp exhales. Try it next time you're on the mats!


shirleythien said…
Vince, I do follow all the points you've mentioned ie. healthy lifestyle, yet my endurance and stamina is low.
Vince Choo said…
Hi Shirley,

You need to train specifically for endurance and the best way for you to experience this (and my opinion is biased) is via the Fizfit workouts.

The high intensity interval training protocol that I use coupled with the myriad of variable resistance, plyometrics is what the CM athlete needs to address.

Perhaps you can ask Erin, Patrick, Afif, Lucius, Ju-lian, Mike, etc. who have been using the Fizfit workouts for their conditioning.
Albert said…
I agree with Vince, the Fizfit workouts have been tremendous for me. Improved strength, stamina, recovery, coordination and balance (also grip strength and posture from kettlebell training).

Not just for CMD but BJJ as well. If I didn't think so, I wouldn't make my living by coaching Fizfit now!

For my references, ask any of the senior CMD/BJJ people :)
burn666 said…
Works for me! ;)
Unknown said…
Hey Shirley,

Prior to KDT, I used to go for PT once/twice a week for overall conditioning. For cardio, I still keep my weekly RPM/spinning and tennis. I try to fit in one pilates or yoga weekly as well.

So, here's my take on fizfit.

Fizfit vs PT:
1. Fizfit gives back more, faster - simply coz my body aches much more, for more days aka working more muscles with just four/five exercises.
2. Fizfit is more fun coz of the "interesting" moves.
3. And because it is "fun", I get more motivated than if I were to do PT.

Fizfit vs Yoga/Pilates:
1. Pilates is great for core muscles.
2. I do yoga mainly for "stretching".
3. Yoga does build some strength. But it might take a while before one manages to execute certain poses correctly, and even longer if one does not have the strength to execute the poses to begin with.
4. Fizfit gets your endurance and stamina up after a few sessions.
5. Fizfit helps one perform better in yoga.

Don't worry, aches fr. fizfit sessions are relative to frequency. Best is to feel it for yourself. It's good pain.
Vince Choo said…
Awesome! Thanks for the vote of confidence folks. Now for Shirley to make that transition from a regular gym to the Fizfit one :)
shirleythien said…
Dear all,

Thank you so much for all the great tips and advise.

Sherry, thank you for hinting the yoga and pilates as I am taking that too once a week. And you're right about the strength as it takes forever to build it and it is not easy from yoga.

Since I've checked it out personally from you guys, guess I have to skip my yoga class and come over for the Fizfit. Sob! Sob! Sob! I know how annoying it is when I am out of stamina during sparring sessions. Sigh!

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