A matter of perspective?
A series of questions:

- What do people "see" when they learn that you practice a martial art?
- Do more people get attracted to you because of your hobby or do they keep away from you?
- Do they perceive you as a mild-mannered, butt-kicking 9-5'er or a mentally unstable sociopath who is on the brink of going postal?
- Do you behave like a meathead on roid-rage, all hyper, aggressive, exhibiting neanderthal tendencies?
- How do others in your social behave and act?
- Do you talk about fights, fight culture and the hundreds of scenarios on how to beat up someone?
- Do you get excited when you watch a fight in general public?
- Do you egg on the participants and then later on fantasize about how you would have ended the fight?
- Do you mentally size up random individuals in the street?
- Do you size up their weight and reach then match it up to your own?
- Do you feel there is nothing wrong by walking about in your daily life dressed in your fight clothes or uniforms with your belt?
- Do your immediate friends display any of the above signs?
- Do you start verbal arguments hoping that it will end up in a physical altercation so you can test out your "sweet" new move?
- Do you feel that your martial arts empowers you to be more for the above reasons?