Time to rest

Reflect back on the events, experiences and information over the year.

Physically you need to allow it all to settle in and slowly be absorbed into your being. Mentally, you may need to create some space before adding new things. You can say "emptying the cup a little".

The body cannot change or grow if you constantly put it under pressure. See what happens to bodies when they rest too long, they grow uncontrollably and silently. We don't want that to happen so we train and learn and play and experience.

I can guarantee that we will have plenty of things to do and the training will become progressively harder. Mentally you will be taxed, pushed to the limits and there will be days when you question why you even come to the gym. If there was no rest, your beliefs will be well grounded in some truth, however, if you take some time to rest and reflect on what you have learned, the cycle and balance is preserved.

Happy holidays and I look forwards to a refreshed and rejuvenated group in two weeks' time.


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