CMD's Rodney King in Malaysia

It's been a while since my last post but with all posts, I will try to share something significant.
The story of Rodney King is pretty inspiring. Those who have his book or know about his history can vouch for that.
For people who don't know Rodney they tell me of a certain aura the man carries with him, a distinct combination of confidence and cockiness. It's as if his personal space extends well beyond the norm and you find it difficult to breach it. Others tell me what a warm hearted, funny prankster this man from South Africa and how they love to hang out with him. The contrasting feedback is not unusual as Rodney is a complex individual who can walk the talk, preferring the latter.
In his past visit to Malaysia Rodney presented an awesome series of workshops to present his CMD program which is perhaps a reflection of his personality, which varies between great and hardcore. What is amazing perhaps is how he instills and inspires participants to a higher level of confidence and physical performance on the mats.
Concepts and techniques are broken down to easily digestible steps that a beginner can follow and repeat like a pro.
I'm looking forwards to training with Rodney again and picking his mind about coaching concepts, techniques and I'll post a report when it's done.
Rodney will be at KDT in the first week of August. It's going to be the biggest CM event with an expected turnout of 30 CMDers from the region.