The CMD program is growing!
It's been a great, fun few months. The CMD program is growing as interest and consciousness in a fun executive kickboxing / MMA grows locally.

Between Kuala Lumpur, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu there are about 30 to 40 CMDers up and about. This is an encouraging sign because people are starting to recognize the value of the program beyond the physical benefits of the program.

What is Crazy Monkey Defense?
It is a question that is often asked and I'm afraid I don't have a singular, pat answer for it. The Crazy Monkey Defense is a combination of things; it is a group activity but the focus is on the individual performance and growth. It is physical but involves much intellectual strategy and mindset enhancement. It has contact sparring but it is done in a cooperative, giving and non-judgemental environment, where competition and being "dominant" is not the objective of how we define success, rather, when you walk out of the academy, how you physically feel matters as much as you emotionally feel.
The learning process and journey is not done alone and with the technical and emotional support from the coach, Journeymen and tribe, you should never feel alone or feel that you risk anything by not being able to do certain movements or techniques. There are plenty of people to support and provide information to keep you on track.
The program is structured in such a way that the only way is to improve and learn.
Perhaps it is time to inform your friends and let them experience the program too?
Between Kuala Lumpur, Kuching and Kota Kinabalu there are about 30 to 40 CMDers up and about. This is an encouraging sign because people are starting to recognize the value of the program beyond the physical benefits of the program.
What is Crazy Monkey Defense?
It is a question that is often asked and I'm afraid I don't have a singular, pat answer for it. The Crazy Monkey Defense is a combination of things; it is a group activity but the focus is on the individual performance and growth. It is physical but involves much intellectual strategy and mindset enhancement. It has contact sparring but it is done in a cooperative, giving and non-judgemental environment, where competition and being "dominant" is not the objective of how we define success, rather, when you walk out of the academy, how you physically feel matters as much as you emotionally feel.
The learning process and journey is not done alone and with the technical and emotional support from the coach, Journeymen and tribe, you should never feel alone or feel that you risk anything by not being able to do certain movements or techniques. There are plenty of people to support and provide information to keep you on track.
The program is structured in such a way that the only way is to improve and learn.
Perhaps it is time to inform your friends and let them experience the program too?
I would like to vouch for what've just mentioned in your article.
I've done CM for the past 3 months. The thing I like most about it is the relaxed atmosphere. I honestly find this programme fun, interactive, enlighting and cooperative!
I've been practicing BJJ for almost 3 years now and I can see the distinct in this prg. In CM, there is no fear of losing out to someone. I also like the supportive environment that encourages my personal growth.
In a nustshell, I would describe CM as a holistic martial art programme..
Thank You for your support and encouragement thru out my martial journey.