and the winner is...

A few weeks ago I took part in an online contest sponsored by

I buy martial arts related things from this (US based) company every so often as they have the best selection of books, DVDs, and training gear overall. Their customer service and shipping follow up is also excellent in comparison with other online companies, so in short I can't recommend enough!

In their last contest, it was held on and the prize was for a Kaizen Athletics tshirt and the latest copy of Gracie Magazine. They also included 2 embroided gi patches and a copy of their latest media catalog (it's like a woman's weekly mag its so thick) and the titles they carry and stock is very impressive.

I just want to thank again for this contest and for shipping this all the way to Malaysia (shipping probably cost them more than the T shirt and magazines combined) so it is only right that I help to promote them in return.

Also, the Gracie magazine (US$9.95) won't be making its way to the box in case you're wondering.

Thanks again!


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