Straight Blast Gym International Singapore seminar 2006

My experiences with Matt Thornton's seminars have always been positive. Everytime I get to train with the man I learn something new. Not just about BJJ or MMA but mostly about human nature, how people think, react, and in a sense, how predictable we all are under stressful situations. I was trained similarly by my other instructor, Vince Morris, about the same or similar concepts on the predictability of the human psyche and how they can be corraled to a series of predictable defensive actions.
I related my understanding about BJJ to a couple of beginner students the other day; it is said that by blue belt the student knows all the same techniques as a black belt, however the key differences was that the black belt knows the options available to their opponents, and forces them, physically and/or psychologically to surrender to an inferior position at which point they are waiting to apply the submission technique or pinning hold.
This year we had 10 people from the gym take part in the seminar and fun was had by all. Despite the initial problems (bed bugs, flu for others) experienced by some of us, the learning was fun and an eye-opener for all involved if this was their first time out.

Matt was his usual self, calm and economical with his words. I'm always at a loss when speaking to him as the man doesn't speak much unless spoken to but from the tshirts (in particular the messages on them) you get a sense that his interests and what drives him are very down to earth.
The typical SBGi seminar format was used again, the I-method being implemented without the need to explain to all the participants as there were many familiar faces. The first day was no-gi submission and some MMA while the second day was gi and also with some MMA and kicking drills thrown in. This year's training was physically more involving with a lot of jump squats being thrown into the mix to up everyone's cardio. I barely managed to do them all in between the constant rollin

Pleasantly, it was remedied by a series of eating exercises conducted out of the gym to everyone's delight! Singapore has Tony Roma's ribs and Movenpick Marche! Yay! Succulent BBQed ribs and a chockfull of tasty grub a

How to join in on the fun? Matt conducts a BJJ/MMA seminar every year (3 years so far) in Singapore and we always support his events (KDT Academy being a SBGi Affiliated Training Group) so you will need to be a member of KDT Academy first. If you have not formally trained in BJJ or any MMA component, this may be a good place to start.
This is a family event, you can bring your wives, kids and girlfriends, who will typically go shopping or sightseeing in Singapore, while the guys attend the seminar that is held in May each year.
See you on the mats!