Monkey Mayhem 2010 Malaysia

It's that time of year again when Rodney King rolls into town to update the CMD crew and we get to play with new (and refine our old) techniques. Coming fresh off 2 annual training camps in the UK and USA, this will be his annual destination in Asia.

I reiterate again and again on how different the CMD program is and it's healthy approach to martial arts training. The way martial arts are presented via the CMD program is a lot healthier and deals not only with the functional aspects but also the element of FUN! It's healthy for the mind and the body!

We have a 3 day training camp coming up, covering all the fundamental skills of the CM program. Obviously we can't do everything in one weekend but I'm already excited about it and can't wait to start!

If you have already reserved your place I'll be seeing you on the mats this weekend.


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