Who says CMD doesn't work in a cage? Doubt the effectiveness of a locked down structure? Think boxing is passé? Think again!

It's very interesting to see CM1 and CM2 in action. To see it being used intelligently against a game opponent who doesn't share the same knowledge or training. You can see that the CM trained competitor is so much safer, not a scratch on him, and he works his jab beautifully to set up the finish. I can provide the commentary but I think this video works best with the sound turned OFF.

About the competitor:
At the age of 46, he stepped into the cage for his first MMA fight in Chicago.
Larry Lindeman is a member of the Illinois State Police and he runs a narcotics task force. He is also a long time JKD/Kali practitioner under Dan Inosanto. As a matter of fact, through the 80's, if you went to an Inosanto seminar in the midwest, you would have met Larry since he was generally the assistant at all of them. He is also the first instructor of some noteable other JKD people, including some who do DVDs and appear in magazines. Larry, in part due to his job, has maintained a low public profile, but for those who know, are very aware of him. Considering his depth of background, and the fact he could easily coast on his own considerable knowledge, I thought it was really cool of him to embrace CM and BJJ so much.

After the competition Larry states,
"Used CM and never got touched. Actually hurt my finger and wrist hitting his face. CM works (period). His structure was sloppy and I kept a tight CM lockdown. I felt that I jabbed him 20 times. I remember seeing his face swell and bruise and thinking, "wow, I don't need to do anything but jab". He went down and turtled then grabbed my right wrist, over his right shoulder. I hit him with left hooks to the liver and ribs (felt like 20 times). I pried my right arm out and he tried to stand. Slapped on the rear naked choke, ripped him back, sank the hooks, and he tapped.

Wasn't really even breathing hard. What a friggn rush! Lot's of lessons.

1) Be conditioned. Work your ass off on the road and in the gym.
2) Manage stress the day before and the day of the fight. This is HUGE.
3) Manage nutrition prior to and day of the fight.
4) Six or seven guys from my gym fought. I had a team in the locker room and the camaraderie helped to manage nerves. Watching 3 of them win prior to me coming out was a big plus.
5) Seriously, the CM kept me from being hit, I felt his punches on my forearms and elbows, but never even flinched. CM puts you light years ahead of your competition.
6) I didn't even hear my walkout music, I was so focused. Didn't hear my coaches, when I was in the cage, either.
7) I had a plan, but modified it on advise from one of my coaches. I knew this guy hit hard and was a brawler. He also out weighted me by 22 pounds (I ate and drank a gallon of water prior to weight in, got up to 207. He cut from about 222 to 214). I was planning to stick and move and leg kick. My coach told me to just stick and move. He believed leg kicks in the first round, when the fighters are fresh, are not the best. Susceptible to takedowns and then you have to fight from your guard.
8) It was nice for Mike and his lady to come out to the fight. Great seeing him and getting the moral support. I had a bunch of my guys there too, so I had plenty of support...Of course if I lost, I'd be banned from this board and would have to retire from the job.

This trip started right here. I came on this board as a Kali / Jun Fan guy. Knew I had no ground game and looked for a school, based on information I got here, from Cecil, SN, and others. Took a CM seminar from Cecil and will unequivocally state, If I didn't work CM, this could have ended differently. I'm kind of blabbering, cause I'm still JACKED. "

This post was inspired by the post on CMD Forums by CMD Pro Trainer, Cecil Burch and it goes out to the guys who feel old and slow. Goes to show that when you hit 46 you can still be a shark in your ocean :) a nice, benevolent shark with big, sharp teeth


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