The road ahead

I'm trying hard to focus on the delivery and refinement of the CMD program and while the recent events is making it very difficult, thought not impossible, I have yet more things to add to the CM training menu.

One of the frequently asked questions is this: What should I concentrate on when I train at home by myself?

To help illustrate, here's a quick video of Mike Tyson working on the heavy bag

Take note of his guard and the following:
  • hands never drop
  • his hips always squared on to the bag
  • footwork and circling consistently
  • how he commits his weight into the punches and into the bag
  • how he recovers from all punching positions or slips back into balance
what else can you see and learn from the short video?

Of course, I'm using this video as a means to inspire not as an instructional so even if you could glean 1% of Mike Tyson's boxing skills that's a huge step up in the mental discipline that will beat any couch-potato lifestyle and a massive step towards your personal CM development.

The trick is now to focus on your existing strengths. Work with what you feel is your strongest aspect. See you back on the mats!


Charles Wong said…
Wow, your pic looks like the same road that Sarah Connor took when she was pregnant with John Connor and heading South to New Mexico.

Do I hear the soundtrack of Terminator? ;D

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