2007 CMD Singapore Retreat

This week I will be heading for our annual CMD Trainers' Retreat in Singapore. It's always an exciting time with different coaches and athletes converging in a central location. Some of the other coaches from neighbouring countries have been feverishly emailing and SMSing me back and forth to seek accomodation, participation confirmation, gear acquisition and so on... all very exciting for this intense series of training.

As you can imagine, this year's participation from KDT is the largest so far with 7 or 8 members attending and everyone has been training hard to uphold pride and endurance as the days and nights are long after seeing the proposed schedule.

It is also very encouraging to note that more people are interested in the CMD and with their varied backgrounds in other martial arts, they have found it to be very effective. They cross train at other gyms and keep returning to KDT to continue their personal study.

Like the athletes who train with me, I also need to gain fresh insights, new coaching ideas and kick back to be the student every so often.

This years' CMD retreat has lined up Rodney King, the main coach, as well as 8th Degree BJJ Black Belt, Rigan Machado to conduct daily BJJ sessions, with the final day mixing the different combat ranged into a MMA game. This is going to be an awesome week!

Hope everyone will get their energy levels up, thinking caps on and gloves in the bag ready to go!
Best training!


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