Last night's BJJ class there was a grading where a bunch of people were awarded stripes and for 3 individuals, their blue belts.
Having coached and rolled with all involved, it's a great feeling to know that my efforts have also been rewarded and I have managed to help coach dedicated people to blue belt level. I'm as happy as the recipients. It's an awesome feeling of accomplishment for them and personal validation of my coaching.
It's come to the stage where the "training wheels" are now removed and now the new blues are responsible to develop their own game, strategies and technique. There are many analogies put out by very seasoned instructors of what each belt level should represent so its up to them to seek out the info they need to help them get better.
For me, its back to the drawing board to see how I can further improve and refine my coaching, technique, and mat presence. It's a great feeling!