Influenced by influencers?
Finding Your Zen in a Sea of BJJ Influencers Ever notice how your social media feeds are suddenly flooded with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu influencers doing impossible-looking moves? One minute you're innocently scrolling through cat videos, and the next you're watching someone in a rashguard contort themselves like a human pretzel. That's not coincidence—that's the algorithm doing what it does best: trapping you in its web. Let's be honest. We've all fallen down the social media rabbit hole. You pick up your phone for a "quick check" and suddenly it's two hours later and you're watching your fifth consecutive video on "How to Perfect the Berimbolo." Your spouse is giving you that look again. You know the one. These BJJ influencers are building their brands, gunning for fame and sponsorships. They want you to buy their instructionals, attend their seminars, and purchase whatever brand of açaà bowl they're promoting this week. And hey, ...