Just as we get back into the swing of things

Another public holiday looms, and another, and another...

This start-stop training always plays havoc on motivation, momentum and team spirit.

The next break is coming on Monday 1st Feb, followed by (almost) a week off due to Chinese New Years and so on. I suppose for some this is part of the challenge, to focus on what needs to be done and have fun along the way.

Personally, I'm excited with the new training schedule and I'm looking at how to maximize training times with all the different programs that is offered.

Most of all, I'm really happy that the interest and population for the CM Program is strengthening and the skill level of the three CM teams are improving. With the introduction of more CM technical refinement, there is lots to play with this year to help you improve both your sparring and fitness, all presented in a healthy training environment of PLAY!

In the meantime, be sure to join the CMD Malaysia Fanpage on Facebook

The highlight this year as usual will be the visit and seminar with CMD Founder, Rodney King when he visits us in August this year. As usual, all CMD subscribers/ team members will be required to attend and this year will rock!

See you back on the mats.


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