Tennis anyone?

Imran and I trading leather

Ok, this isn't the usual tennis on the court you may be thinking rather the Tennis Match format to help people learn about the Crazy Monkey Defense Program that we practice at the gym.

I have posted a couple of videos so you can see what goes on; people get to practice their techniques, no one is bashed up or knocked out because we use different levels of sparring - all of which have the end objective to help the boxer learn about different technical aspects of the game in a safe and supportive environment.

The first video above is a Tennis Match warm up round with me and Imran. A few things are going on here but as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words and a video a heck of a lot more! So, if you can pick out 2 or 3 things Immy should immediately start working on to improve his game, post a comment and we can compare notes :)

The next short video shows Mike and I sparring using the same format.

Alex and I practicing tennis match sparring

Despite my incessant closing comments at each class about how the athletes in the classes should (1) not back up, (2) keep the non-punching hand up in guard, (3) don't cross the legs, etc., etc. you can see it's still going on in both videos. The idea behind the videos is just to help each player identify their own games. It's very difficult to "see" what you are doing when you are in the thick of a sparring match so sometimes, and in this case, it may be a good training tool to work with. Pick out the main areas where you feel your game needs immediate improvement, and write them down on paper. Describe on that paper how you are going to achieve those goals and I will work with you and your set objectives to make sure you achieve those goals. Heck, I'll even give you a Certificate of Achievement if you improve you game!

Once you have clearly defined goals for your personal game, a plan and strategy on how to achieve those goals, the last thing to do is to get to work the next time you step on the mats. My job is to help you achieve those goals and help you recognise that you have improved or not. Now, this isn't supposed to be a lifetime achievement goal rather a series of small, achievable objectives that become small milestones towards overall improvement.

Any questions, let me know. I'm here to assist!

Best training!


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